Learn & Compete New Edition

VOLUME 2 £29.99

A Primer for Formula SAE, Formula Student and Formula Hybrid Teams.

The book offer a comprehensive guide to students and teams in involved in the series. A must have for anyone embarking their Formula SAE/Student journey. Exclusive insight that has been written by Michael and Suzanne Royce alongside fellow judges of the series.

Volume 2 – Contents:

Foreward by Pat Symonds, Chief Technical Officer, Formula 1

Car Fabrication by Steve Fox
Car Fabrication, machining and the hard parts by Steve Fox
Welding by Carl Occhialini
Threaded fasteners by Michael Black
Test planning and organisation by Michael Royce
Data Acquisition by Frank Whiton
Powertrain controls development and calibration by John Bucknell
Torsional testing by Phil Morse
Suspension development and tuning by Darrell Hancock, Jr
Chassis development and suspension tuning by Steve Lyman
The Design Event submissions. The Design Specification Sheet and the Design Report by Pat Clarke
Three view drawings by Steve Fox and Edward Kasprzak
The Impact Attenuator, testing and the Impact Attenuator Data Report by Michael Royce
At the competition by Suzanne Royce
Getting through mechanical technical inspection by Suzanne and Michael Royce
Passing electrical technical inspection by Paul Messier
The Design Event by Pat Clarke
The cost Event by Michael Royce
The Business Presentation Event by John Saville
General Safety by Michael Royce

Read contents on Volume 1 by clicking button below

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