Issue 239 £2.50

. MOMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE COMPOSITES IN F1: McLaren’s composite materials innovation changed the whole face of the sport in 1981. Now its use of natural fibre composites could change the game again. By Chris Pickering
. LE MANS 2020: This year’s endurance classic poses unique problems for the suppliers. Alan Stoddart discovers that the resourcefulness that can avert disaster in the middle of the night, is also helpful in salvaging a pandemic-ravaged year
. ROBORACE: DEATH OF THE RACING DRIVER?: Roborace, the world’s first racing series for humans and artificial intelligence, is pioneering new frontiers in the development of autonomous software. It is also dividing opinion, as Niki Dupont from the National Motorsport Academy discovers
. COMMENT: Sergio Rinland laments the end of an era with the sale of Williams – and debunks a myth that clouds the ‘customer car’ debate
. GREEN TECH: Carlo Locci, global application specialist for hydrogen fuel cells at Siemens, tells Chris Pickering why motorsport could be the ideal testbed for this new technology
. FUEL CELLS: They may fly below the radar for most people, but without ATL’s products, motorsport would find it difficult to exist, as William Kimberley finds out from Giles Dawson, ATL UK’s managing director

And much much more….

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